2018  /  New Orleans. Warsaw. Stockholm. Rome.

|   February  -  September 2018   |

New Orleans, United States   /   Tutorial.

Cognitive Vision:  On Deep Semantics in Visuo-Spatial Computing

The tutorial on cognitive vision addresses computational vision and perception at the interface of language, logic, cognition, and artificial intelligence. With a focus on explainable visual sensemaking of dynamic visuospatial imagery, the tutorial demonstrates the integration of methods from AI and Vision with a focus on (combining) declarative reasoning & learning about space, action, motion, and interaction. The tutorial is presented in the applied backdrop of areas as diverse as autonomous driving, cognitive robotics, design (for visual art, architecture, visuoauditory digital media), and behavioural visual perception research in cognitive psychology. The tutorial positions an emerging line of interdisciplinary research bringing together AI, Vision, Psychology, and Design Science.

   The 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2018)  /  New Orleans, United States      /  

Warsaw, Poland   /   Tutorial

Spatial Cognition in the Wild:  
Methods for Large-Scale Behavioural Research in Visuo-Locomotive Perception

The tutorial on Spatial Cognition in the Wild presents an interdisciplinary perspective on conducting evidence-based human behaviour research from the viewpoints of spatial cognition and computation, environmental psychology, and visual perception. The tutorial emphasises the semantic interpretation of multimodal behavioural data, and the (empirically-driven) synthesis of embodied interactive experiences in real world settings. Of special focus are: visual (e.g., perception, attention based on eye-tracking), visuolocomotive (e.g., movement, indoor wayfinding), and visuo-auditory (e.g., moving images) cognitive experiences in the context of areas such as architecture & built environment design, narrative media design, product design, cognitive media studies (e.g., film, animation, immersive reality). The technical focus of the tutorial is on demonstrating general computational methods, tools, and cognitive assistive technologies that can be used for multi-modal human behaviour studies in visual, visuo-locomotive, and visuo-auditory perception. Presented methods are rooted in foundational research in artificial intelligence, spatial informatics, and human-computer interaction. The tutorial utilises case-studies from large-scale experiments in domains such as evidence-based architecture design, communication and media studies, and cognitive film studies to demonstrate the application of the foundational practical methods and tools.

   The 10th ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA 2018), Warsaw, Poland      /  

Stockholm, Sweden   /   Tutorial

Declarative Spatial Reasoning:  Theory, Methods, Applications

This tutorial will present computational visuo-spatial representation and reasoning from the viewpoint of the research areas of artificial intelligence, commonsense reasoning, and spatial cognition and computation.The key focus will be on declarative spatial reasoning: the ability to (declaratively) specify and solve real-world problems related to mixed geometric (i.e., quantitative) and qualitative visual and spatial representation and reasoning.The practical problems that we address and demonstrate in this context encompass both specialist and everyday commonsense reasoning instances identifiable in a range of cognitive technologies and spatial assistance systems where spatio-linguistic conceptualisation & background knowledge focussed visuo-spatial cognition and computation are central.

   27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI 2018), Stockholm, Sweden   

Stockholm, Sweden   /   Workshop

Cognitive Vision:  Integrated Vision and AI for Embodied Perception and Interaction

The workshop on COGNITIVE VISION solicits contributions addressing computational vision and perception at the interface of language, logic, cognition, and artificial intelligence. The workshop brings together a novel & unique combination of academics and research methodologies encompassing AI, Cognition, and Interaction. The principal emphasis of the workshop is on the integration of vision and artificial intelligence from the viewpoints of embodied perception, interaction, and autonomous control. In addition to basic research questions, the workshop addresses diverse application areas where, for instance, the processing and semantic interpretation of (potentially large volumes of) highly dynamic visuo-spatial imagery is central: autonomous systems, cognitive robotics, medical & biological computing, social media, cultural heritage & art, social media, psychology and behavioural research domains where data-centred analytical methods are gaining momentum.

   27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI 2018), Stockholm, Sweden   

Rome, Italy   /   Symposia

Minds. Movement. Moving Image.  (Part I)
On Spatial Cognition and the Built Environment

Minds. Movement. Moving Image.  (Part II)
On Visuo-Auditory Perception and the Moving Image

This symposium -conducted in two parts - explores the confluence of empirically-based qualitative research in the cognitive and psychological sciences, focusing on visual and spatial cognition, with computationally-driven analytical methods, rooted in artificial intelligence, in the service of communications, media, design, and human behavioural studies. With a focus on architecture and visuo-auditory media design, the twin symposia will demonstrate recent results and explore the synergy of research methods for the study of human behaviour in the chosen (design) contexts of socio-cultural, and socio-technological significance.

   International Conference on Spatial Cognition (ICSC 2018), Rome, Italy.