
CoDesign 2017 features two workshops colocated with topically relevant conferences. We solicit contributions from interested researchers to submit their contributions for presentation and discussion at the respective forums. Details are available independently on the websites linked below.

  • IJCAI 2017


  • INTERACT 2017


Both worshops welcome contributions addressing the workshop themes from formal, computational, cognitive, design, engineering, empirical, and philosophical perspectives.

Cognition and Artificial Intelligence for Human-Centred Design
IJCAI 2017 \  26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence  \  MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA.  August 19-25 2017
University of Bremen \ University of Turin, AND ICAR-CNR

The workshop on Cognition and Artificial Intelligence for Human-Centred Design will bring together interdisciplinary scientific perspectives on human-centred design particularly focussing on the theme of Artificial Intelligence and Computational Cognitive Systems supported next-generation design technologies. The work addresses cognitive technology assisted human-centred design conception, analysis, and synthesis; it approaches the design process, and the use of designed structures and artefacts from a cognitive and computational perspective. A particular focus is on the importance of the embodied visuo-spatial thinking involved in problem-solving for the design of objects, artefacts, and people-experiences. Broadly, the key issues being addressed are:

  1. interaction between design, cognitive processes, and human-centred assistive technologies;
  2. design-activity -e.g., conception and creativity- as cognitive problem-solving under the constraints of physics, logic, cognition, and expectations of embodied cognitive experience (of users);
  3. multi-modal human-computer collaboration and interaction in collaborative problem-solving.

Interact 2017, Mumbai

INTERACT 2017 \  The 16th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction  \  MUMBAI, INDIA.  September 25-29 2017
University of Bremen \ University of Colorado, Boulder

This workshop addresses the role of multimodality and mediated interaction for the analysis and design of human-centred, embodied, cognitive user experiences. The workshop focusses on multimodality studies aimed at the semantic interpretation of human behaviour, and the empirically-driven synthesis of embodied interactive experiences in real world settings. In focus are narrative media design, architecture & built environment design, product design, cognitive media studies (film, animation, VR, sound & music), and user interaction studies. In these and other design contexts, the workshop emphasises evidence-based multimodality studies from the viewpoints of visual (e.g., attention and recipient effects), visuo-locomotive (e.g., movement, wayfinding), and visuo-auditory (e.g., narrative media) cognitive experiences. Modalities being investigated include, but are not limited to:

  1. visual attention (by eye-tracking), gesture, speech, language, facial expressions, tactile interactions, olfaction;
  2. human expert guided event segmentation (e.g. coming from behavioural or environmental psychologists, designers, annotators, crowd-sensing);
  3. deep analysis based on dialogic components, think-aloud protocols